Yes ladies I fully intend to take it slow. His name is GLEN. He seems to have made many friends at the resort we live in for having been here less than a year, most are my friends as well.

At least you hubby is out working new years eve P.L. and not out boozing etc. Bless his heart!

I have been very fortunate in the past with my men doing it my way, and loving it. The only one that didn't was #3, he's been an ass right from the start. I am positive that if I hadn't been near a nervous breakdown due to exhaustion from my poor sisters MS/Dementia and my caring for her for five years alone, 24/7 before she died, plus working a fulltime job from home. I would not have been vulnerable to his lies. It's like I was in a trance or something. I have been paying for that ever since.

Someone said, "If you think education will cost you, try ignorance." Boy is that ever true!
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