Okay, here goes. My Christmas this year was practically ALL homemade with the exception of a couple of games I got the grandchildren.

I made coupon books for the grandkids, my daughter-in-law, and my best friend.

I also made a wreath out of cinnamon rolls and used green icing, and put three cherries on top for the berry-look. They turned out great and took NO SKILL whatsoever. Therefore, I made two of them.

Then I made four loafs of cranberry-orange bread for my brother-in-laws and they will love me for it. YEAH!

But the most important thing to me was a calendar I made. I spent hours and hours on it, getting it just right. The top of each month had a sister on it (I have four, so five girls total) with their baby pictures, then adolescent ones, teen, then NOW pic's...then a saying or something that pertains to them. Like one sister was a librarian and always said, "Books are our Friends" so that's on her page..another one talks on the phone ALL the time so on her page it says, "Are there phones in heaven?"

The the first page is our sweet daddy with pic's of the same for him, plus his battle ship he served on USS New Orleans, and his beloved school symbol, Auburn University.

The last page is mom...same set up. The other pic's are the children of each sister, plus grandchildren.

Each birthday is on the appropriate day so we don't have to guess anymore. Also, on the grandkids pages, I put a quote pertaining to families, or raising a family.

I can tell you know...it was labor intense! HA!

I wish I had time to do more gifts of some sort, but time caught up to me. But I see a family cookbook in the making for next year!

Seek, I want that recipe!