Orchid, thanks for all of your research and information here. If the vertigo continues to be a problem, I'll insist on seeing an ENT (we have a good one just down the street). It's still there, but just on the fringes now. I had a good sleep last night, first one since Friday night.

The only thing about our diet is that we did get get way off during our trip to Europe in October. Our meal times were sporadic, supper was often very late at night and it was all pre-planned restaurant food (and often cold), so we had little control over the meal choices unless it was a buffet.

Since our return, I admit to eating more white foods than we have in years...breads, white flour, pastries (which we NEVER have in the house ordinarily)...and because of hubby's working schedule and my fatigue, we've often resorted to frozen dinners (ie, processed, additives and higher sodium). This is not our usual diet. We normally live on fresh veggies (the more colour the better) and lots of fish. We're getting back to our healthier choices, but it's highly possible that my body is rebelling against all the crap I've been feeding it since October. I read years ago in Northrup's Wisdom of Menopause that white foods are poison to the menopausal woman. my body is manifesting the truth of that!
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)