Orchid, those conditions wold make me dizzy even not on a bike! Bread and water for breakfast by itself would send my head into a spin.

I was wondering whether Canada has been infected by the pharma industry that dominates US medicine? My husband has been seeing a really good allergist for his asthma...but then realized that the medication he was taking was making his asthma worse.

But I digress.
EH, I think you're right, that your feeling of depression might be a symptom of something else. Check out this link my sister found. It's mostly a critique of a health industry dominated by pharmaceutical companies:


Another thing you might explore is intestinal candida. It's related to many symtoms, including dizziness, depression, slurring of speech (? -- I don't know how they figured out that one) and biting your tongue! I also treated candida and occasionally do detoxes.

For ten years I taught in an outpatient center for adults with severe mental illnesses, including depression. We had a discussion once about how it was better to say "I have mental illness" rather than "I am mentally ill" to separate oneself from the condition." I have depression today," rather than "I am depressed" can make a difference in one's outlook.

It talks about the dominant approach of medicine to treat sysmptoms rather than root causes.