Princess, I was actually very disheartened after the doctor's visit. My husband came in the room with me, to make sure that I didn't minimize what's been going on. Even he was shocked that she did blood pressure, no blood tests, nothing, especially after the severity of some of the symptoms over the past few days. Maybe she'll do it next visit (the 30th) after I've taken these AD's for 2 weeks. She was crazy-busy, and had fit me into an already tight schedule.

Anyway, it's always disheartening when everything gets automatically brushed aside under the depression label. It's one of the more silent stigmas to depression/mental illness, that once you get labelled, that's all there is to you as far as they're concerned.

I'm too tired to argue and will just go along with the AD for now. I'm sure it will help, because I have been spiralling for awhile, though I still think that this time the depression is actually a symptom of a bigger issue, a reaction to feeling so unwell for so long and becoming increasingly matter how depressed I've ever been, it's never manifested itself so physiologically like this before.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)