Thanks for the info, DJ. Lots to digest there (pun intended, LOL).

It's interesting to note what your doc said about eating more protein in-between meals. Several years ago, I began doing that because of chronic fatigue. The protein helped a lot, provided good, sustainable energy. And I've pretty much kept up that protein-rich diet, until our recent trip to Europe. We were traveling and unable to eat regular meals, and I got out of the habit of eating between meals. Because it was helping my waistline, I've been maintaining THAT regime since we got home. And it's been since then that the fatigue has become so entire system has gone haywire.

So I started adding those protein snacks back into my diet a few days ago. But that's also when the vertigo started. But I have no idea what's connected to what anymore. Hubby's very worried. He says I'm "not looking well" (pale, weak, lethargic).

I had to laugh about you getting dizzy if anyone even touched your chair. All of my life, I've gotten motion sick if anyone rocked my chair in any way. This is the first time I've ever heard anyone else say the same thing.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)