I did all those tests too -- the ENT, increased my potassium by eating bananas, increased my water intake. I even had a dizziness test which is a horrible horrible experience. Because your balance has to do with the coordination between ears and eyes, they somehow connect your eyesight to a computer and squirt water into your ear. OMG it's sickening! They found nothing wrong. I think I only let them do it to one ear -- it was sooo awful.

I personally have made drastic dietary changes, but not just for adrenal fatigue. Most people wouldn't go so far, and probably don't have to.

One simple test you can do by yourself is shine a light into your eyes and remove it and see how quickly your pupils dilate. With adrenal fatigue, your pupils are more sluggish.

Anyway, I can tell you the most important lessons that my doc wanted me to do:
eat more protein, and do so frequently, like between meals. She told me to eat at like 10 a.m. and 2 or 3 p.m., and to have nuts and cheese. Warning: it's fattening, but it made the first big difference.

I was diagnosed 7 years ago and after a very little while, didn't feel dizzy.
My kids always thought it was hilarious how dizzy I was -- I mean, if they even touched the chair I was sitting in, I got dizzy.

Over the years, I've done a lot of reading about this and there seems to be some rather cutting edge medical science going on. For me, it turned out I was sensitive to manh of the foods I love and ate all the time, and it's a strange assortment -- celery, cane sugar, cow milk, eggs, kidney beans, black pepper are the worst so I pretty much avoid them. They say that when you eat something you're allergic to, your body doesn't process it so it escapes through the stomach walls and into the blood stream, your immune system attacks it as foreign substances, which stimulates your adrenal glands to produce cortisol in response to the stress.

Other kinds of stress can have the same effect.

Another important thing I learned about food is to vary it -- i.e., if you love something, it's oaky to have it 3 days in a row, but then give it a rest for a day or so. I used to eat celery in my salad every single day, and put black pepper on everything, and had a terrible sweet tooth. I still eat sugary things occasionally, but not cane sugar. I've switched to goat cheese and goat yogurt.

Other dietary changes I've made for other reasons are that I eat organic as much as possible.