dancer thank you smile

i was using that as an example to back up what eagle said, it sticks in my mind as it was important even but more importantlie a very important PICE of LEARNING. Thank you for your compansion but if that pain tirness and exoustion haden't became too much for me i would never have given into it, i am very strong and very stuborn, a curse and blessing at same time.

the physical pain i have is dowen to injurie, a birth complicasion then a car crash which effected the CNS which develpoed to fibromyalga. it leads one into another and it slowed me dowen in life BUT gess who had to slow dowen in life anyway big time lol. Id be a certifable workaholic and missed so much of life becouse i always was so bisie, its much diffrent now. Sillie as it may seem the crash, the injurie and resulting lifestyle diffrenses from finacial to energeticalie, physicalie i can see as a learning or even a very painfull gift from god! I certinlie don't belive god or energie hurts us but sometimes gives us best learning example that we need and if that happens to be painfull then so be it. i can see that now looking back

do you know how much more of L i seern had time with and messed about in parkes that i would never had seen otherwise? lol

His disabilitie makes life trickie to say the lest but if i was earning it be too easie to hand him over to a caretaker pay them, get about my work and miss so much of him. As arrogant as it seems or sounds i can care for him better than them and i am who he needs more than them full time in his life. No matter how i get critisised for this and not working, i have a good child and i am rareing him and loving him and showing him, some of his abilitie i think is dowen to me beliving in his abilitie and giving him every oppertunitie to do and also to sheldf him when the doing was too hard for him untill hes able to do, what he could't. PLZ remnd me of this if i get tired or dowen about it all lol sometimes i need a kick up the bum!

i have even gotten a lot stronger physicalie so medicasion incressed untill muscle tone incressed then meds was cut dowen as you know its all interconnected.

arn't you left with injurie too becouse of the occupasion you chosen? if not injurie weer and tear?

how do you cope with yours? the pain and any limitasions that come by?
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn