I am feeling down in the dumps this evening..probably because I am very tired and my SIL has another round of chemo to take today.. So I am going to try and pick myself up here by writing about things I have to be thankful for..even if I don´t feel like it at the moment. frown

I love my life because my feet are down and my head is up. I am also still walking on my own steam..and able to work everyday.

I love my life because I have a wonderful family that usually loves me wink and is there for me. And I am allowed to be there for them..all of them. smile

I love my life because I am soon going to watch my favorite dvd..I buy a new one every week, at discount price, with the evening paper (which I don´t read)....Midsommar Murders.

I love my life because, in a little over a month, I am traveling with my 2 grandkids to visit with my daughter and her family and my son..in the US.

Well, I hope this works. I can understand that I am truely blessed..and now I want to start feeling it.

All my love to you all here on the forum. smile
"some sacred place.."