Hi Ladies,

Thought I would check in...

Things are going extremely well -- this working for a living is... time consuming. LOL. I do find I have less energy at the end of the day for "socializing". lol

I go back to court with my ex next tuesday a.m. at 9:30 am. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

I have filed contempt of court charges against my ex who has not paid his court ordered maintenance for the entire year. I am holding his feet to the fire. The only thing I got out of my 21 year marriage was maintenance.

He has been on the run since our divorce -- running from responsiblity......running from his self.

Me, I realize more and more how God liberted me from bondage into the promised land. I find that I am living more "consciously" since I have the freedom to live my life the way that I want to. It's been amazing.

Anywho, just wanted to say hello. I pop in and read frequently, but don't make the time to chat!


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