JJ, you can literally freeze any vegetable. I clean mine first well, then usually dice and slice them except for corn on the cob which I freeze whole. Then lay the pieces out on a cookie sheet, put that in the freezer until the pieces all are hard, otherwise they will stick together in a hard lump! Now transfer them into plastic freezer bags, this way they freeze separately and you can scoop out as much as is needed for soups, casserols etc. That way you always have a nice supply you can add to as you use some.

I have spinach, green beans, peas, broccoli pieces, cauliflower and chinese mixed veges (already frozen when purchased) also carrots and mushrooms.

I like to throw a handful of frozen veges into my morning omelet.

There are so many good recipes already in the Favorite Recipe section if you'd want to go back and check. I like to from time to time.

Try white northern beans or baby lima beans.
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