I have been wanting to post about a young vet who came into the E.R. where I work now with chest pains, high blood pressure and an EEG that was off.

He could not have been more than 25 but he was SO high strung, he scared me! I have to talk to all the patients so when I talked to him, the air was thick.

The air was thick with tension coming from his body! We do not get young vets that often where I am. This was one of the first. I was amazed at the tension this young man gave off. As I worked with him throughout his stay in the E.R. he was polite but became more and more tense. He wanted out, but it was like he didn't know why. He didn't have anywhere to go, but he felt trapped.

After about two hours as he had tests on his heart, (at 25,) he was so ready to leave he was out of his room and addressing the doctors attempting to be released. This never happens in our E.R., or not very often.

Clearly he had P.T.S.D.

We have a huge new facility for P.T.S.D. for vets thanks to the work of McCain, (one of his pet projects.) It is for treating a P.T.S.D patient head to toe, his health, his mental issues and whatever he needs to become "whole," again.

Does anyone have closer insight to a vet in of this current war, or to an active duty soldier? And if you do, what do you think of the P.T.S.D DX?

If they get out of ther service, they are given the option of going for a six week program, inpatient, for PTSD or to go home. What are they going to pick? Home, of course! Has anyone seen any evidence of this PTSD?


"Question your privilege"