I don' mind wearing pantyhose. And did wear them when I worked in more formal workplaces.. I actually have to take time to find pantyhose in my size...small...usually not readily available since stores don't stock them in great quantities.

I don't like wearing dark tights because my leg skin in winter is dry and it does flake abit...which for dark tights just doesn't do anything for me.

Yes, I do change out of cycling clothing when I get to work...and put on pantyhose and a skirt, etc.

I do remember as a teenager in 1970's wearing purple hose, dark tangerine hose...

No, I will never wear stockings. I did wear stockings for a short while, with stocking holders..I welcomed the invention of pantyhose!!!!!!!
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)