So many good points. And I did not mean to sound as if I were upset that my family is scattered or angry about it or even lonely and pining away. But I had grown up in a family that was pretty close knit...heck if my parents wanted to do something for the evening, my dad would call us to the back door and say "go to Aunt Celia's house, mom and I are going out for the evening." We'd walk to Aunt Celia's, she'd call mom and dad to say we were there. We'd walk to other relative's homes too to play, chat, visit.

I kind of miss those simpler days.

MountainAsh, you bring up such a good point about how children have over generations moved away to forge new lives and contribute to things elsewhere in the world. And in a way, my "tribe" in Toledo (where I grew up), in that neighborhood, nurtured me too. I cannot wish for what I had for my children; I must wish for what they desire and for them to grow. I never believed my children were brought into this world to amuse me or keep me company as they grew up. I sort of bask in a glow though knowing I helped contribute to a better world by encouraging them to fly away for better educations, newer ways of life, while keeping them grounded with some decent moral and ethical decision-making abilities.

And yes, while I do wish sometimes still to have family closer by, this has brought me a gift like you mentioned MountainAsh. It has caused me to make friends in unexpected places. That is something very valuable to me.