a new woman joined my team when I was teaching.She was beautiful helpful great worker with experience in autisim beyond what I had at that time.She freely shared..telephoned at nights..would Say lovely things e.g she had just lit a candle facing my way.
She believed out team was her "family" gave so much to everyone.
Birthdays she would have cake..streamers and was like a ray of sunshine.i am glad she came into my life.
But she was not "family"
My reality is that we have those we are born into.Genes or adopted.Who we hear even in babyhood see around us and absorb into our being.
As I have aged I have somewhat returned to that place..it seems close.
friendship for me recreates a kind of "kinship" Here we would say a clan.
Virtual relationships have not been around to stand the test of time..
Within family dynamics we see behaviour that we merge into..on a forum people can show traits I have no experience of..and being a public place do not always say what I would to a family member
.Where a person would have a euphanisim ..to express either regard or disappointment.To diffuse hostiliy or bring it into the open maybe quarrel.
I have had many relationships..school...church.. study .political allies..neighbours but family..one I was born into..warts and all.and one I created with my chosen one.
So I agree that your realisation is one I share.

One point is one I have recently shared with a good friend.Family cannot provide everything emotional or practical.hairdressing..heavy gardening my minister doctor and health providers.Life would be narrow and shallow if a family did.But I attempt to have practioners who I respect and who do not erode me or my values.In return I respect them .