Well, I've met someone new. This one is gainfully employed (actually has a couple of income streams), and isn't homeless. Those few things are a BIG step up from what I've seen over the past few years. Oh, and not much baggage (but he has been single for most of his adult life which means he's set in his ways. That's not a bad thing, because I'm set in mine too, so hopefully we can understand each other's needs in that regard). Can two people like that respect the freedom each requires and forge ahead?

He seems like a decent, caring guy. Y'all keep fingers and toes crossed for luck please.

But this is really the reason for this post. I've been thinking, what are my intentions "if" he and I "do" have a miracle and hit it off?

How do we single, independent, HAPPY females fit a "real" relationship into our lives without losing ourselves in the process. Is that even possible?

Just curious. I'm willing to do a lot, but I'm also NOT willing to give up certain things.
