Originally Posted By: Edelweiss2
That was my point, JJ. You wouldn't have to read the documents/ essays; the gals in the forum would do that, and then submit their votes to you.

I'm going to sound like a big old meanie here so please don't hurt me...but I have to say that the point of it all is that it doesn't take much time (trust me, we work very hard), and that entries are sent to Dotsie (this way, more new people join the forums and join in the fun) and that it's quick and dirty...you know? There are a lot of people who aren't writers who might join in the fun if it were just a caption or two...but it would limit the number of entries if they thought they had to write something.

If only a few people voted, or if there was a tie, we would still have to be the ultimate say-so.

Put down that gun...help! Eeeeek! Help! EW is shooting at me! Lola! Chatty! Someeeeebody! Help! <Queen picks up royal robes and takes off running at break-neck speed...okay, maybe not break-neck, but a trot...anyway>