Thanks guys..I guess that I am doing better..I am sort of slowly realizing there is alot to this having more time to do what I want to do..and more time for my partner,too. I can still listen to his music..the songs he recorded himself and the music he has on his computer..and then I can cry buckets..but I know in my heart of hearts that this is best for both of us.

I asked him the other day what made him decide to study in the US..on the spurr of the moment. And he was all of these things and none of them: he was afraid of staying in Sweden and not finding a job..and then just sitting at home..he wanted to get out on his his own thing..and start leading his own life..he wanted to have new experiences and see new places..he didn´t want people telling him what to do or how he should think..etc etc.

This all makes sense to me..and somehow I knew that this was what is was all about. He has a big brother and sister living in Sweden here..and his sister has 3 kids..and she´s a single mom. I think he felt like a spider in a net..not in a bad way..but anyway..he needed to BREAK that GREAT SONG by Queen goes..I WANT TO BREAK FREE..I absolutley LOVE that song..and so does he.. I broke free many years ago..and now he is doing the same thing.

But I miss him..who am I kidding..I miss him so much!!! cry And the lump in my throat grows..AGAIN!!! But I DO understand!!! smile
"some sacred place.."