Thanks for the kudos, Mama Red! Sometimes I feel like I really disappointed my parents and all, I was incredibly selfish at that age and very headstrong- and that I probably will carry always. My younger sis had a large wedding and admitted the other day that if to do over, she'd never put Mom and Dad thru that, it was so stressful and costly for them.

Our first born son is engaged now, and marrying his lady love next year- plans are in the making and starting to grow. To tell the truth, I'd really hate not to be there at their wedding, and I'm really glad they are doing it "right". At least my DIL to be will have her special day(and I truly do love her- they are really happy, and she "completes him" Not that our marriage wasn't special,it wasn't fancy at all but fit us- it was just couched in so many hard things with my family, and it's sad not to have any of your own family at your wedding. We were very young, headstrong and determined- and that has carried us thru many years of true happiness.We believe in our vows and they were very serious to us, that took us above the hardship and the wagging tongues, the hurt I felt from my parents not giving blessings initially, the hurt of the parish priest that was reluctant to marry us- his first statement was if I were pregnant.Considering the brief time of our engagement, in retrospect I would think the same thing...but still! That was just wrong, since DH would have married in my church. We married in DH church, as I said after a brief prenup counsel,with results that still amaze me- they were more tolerant and understanding. Sometimes you have to price happiness for yourself above the wishes of others- but it still makes you wince sometimes or cry! But no regrets, glad I have spent over half of my life with this kind, thoughtful, gentle man who always puts family above anything else. A true thing he learned from his mother, and we have passed to our sons- what a good, honest heritage!