many wonderful love stories...melts my heart to hear them and to know that despite everything we can find love that far.

Larry and I were a romance...I won't bore you with the details again cuz I think I've shared them before...5 years almost to the day since we met (Sep 30th 2003) and we'll be married 4 years next March. I will tell you about today because it was so sweet.

I bought Larry an IPhone a couple of months ago and he is attached at the hip to that he was loading songs into it and we were looking at choices...I spotted a Mama's and Papa's song and asked him to play was "Dedicated to the One I Love". I grabbed him and we started dancing in the kitchen. When the song got to the words that say..."Each night before you go to bed, my baby.....whisper a little prayer for me my baby...." and I looked up at Larry and he had big tears in his eyes...he squeezed me tightly and held me for the longest time while we continued to slowly dance to the music. I could tell he was fighting hard not to cry. I looked up at him and asked..."Baby, are you happy?" He smiled, more tears in his eyes, "More than you'll ever know...I love you so much." Wellllllllllll, that did it...then my tears started.
I remember there was a time when online dating had a stigma about it...I didn't want anyone to know I was trying to date that way...but, now...after what God brought me, I proudly shout it from the roof top.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards