Ann, I would argue that you shouldn't get caught up in the age trap! No one decides at what age anyone should have grey hair, if ever! Some have beautiful white gray hair and what to show it off and others don't like the colour of their gray so they decide to color!

We are programmed to believe that once we are a certain age it is vain and wrong to care about what we look like. This is wrong and it hurts self esteem.

If the boomer women are saying one thing, they are saying, "I'm not my mother," and that includes wearing certain clothing and going gray. Why should we? We are still creative and strong women who can express ourselves through our hair and clothes just as much as we did in our twenties!

Models are getting contracts at 50 and 60 years old because we want to see "real."

However you are prettiest and feel the best is how you should design yourself. Old thought patterns be damned, we make the rules, we are the boomers!



"Question your privilege"