Why do I want to go gray? Ummm. well, I don't know.......just a thought......tired of coloring my hair, dealing with gray roots, and part of it is the age thing........it just doesn't seem that I can keep doing this forever, you know?
I don't know if I have all grey hair.......from the looks of my roots, it's pretty darned close though.
I can't picture myself as a blond.......my hair has always been dark. I'm not really tired of my dark hair.....it fits my skin tone (another reason I find it hard to picture myself as a blond or anything much lighter, my natural hair color before gray started coming in was almost black) I think it's just mostly the age thing and thinking that sooner or later, I've got to quit coloring.
I've asked a couple of friends what they thought and they all looked shocked and said "no way! don't do it!" so I think I might forget the idea for a few more years anyway.