My problem is how (and when) to STOP coloring my hair. I've been coloring my hair for almost 20 years and am thinking sooner or later I need to just accept the gray. My natural color (before gray) was dark brown, almost black, and that's what I've been coloring it all along -- my eyebrows are still that color and I have olive skin tone. I have memories of when my Mom quit coloring her hair, she just let it grow out and she looked like a skunk for a long time, she kept claiming she didn't care (wouldn't spend the money to do anything about it) but I DO CARE and don't want to walk around with half my head gray/white and half black. Even though I wear my hair short, it would take quite a while to get rid of all the dyed part. Talked to my hairdresser about this at my last haircut and she said she can actually remove the color and then apply color to make it all gray so that as the natrual gray grows in it just blends in and looks natural. But she also made me promise if I decided to do this I wouldn't break down in tears when I saw the final result (I told her I'm not making any such promises!) Haven't made the decision yet but it's definitely something I'm thinking about. Also have been thinking that I should go to a wig shop and find a grey wig similar to my hair style and try it on just to see how I look and see if I'm really ready for the change. Has anybody else gone thru this process, or how did you get out of the hair coloring cycle?
I've asked several friends how what they think and everybody's reaction is I should keep coloring my hair but they've never seen me as anything but a brunette. I asked my husband and his reaction is always to keep coloring it.........I think he thinks that if I look older it will reflect on him!!