It’s so heart warming to see you all still posting here.

Hi Humlan, haven’t heard from you in a while…but I got to catch up as well with all posts. I just did that breathing thing…it really helps. I think I do breathe irregularly when I’m upset. I just realized that. sick

Chatty your post was very comforting. You are right, many of the women here have overcome much worse things in their childhood.

I am feeling better lately too, because like Anno and MA said…we gave "A" the love she needed. She has such a bubbly sweet personality, and is truly a bright child. So I am begining to realize that with time she will be all right. Your words have helped me see this.

We have had frost here! It's insane. So we are doing inside things and redecorating a couple of rooms. haha
A friend is a gift you give yourself.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson