Thanks for the replies. Yes, Percocette is habit forming, but my prescription is for 6 days only. I've never taken the Skelexin muscle relaxant before. The complication is that I fell on an implant, you know, from breast reconstruction surgery 5 years ago post-mastectomy. Although the implant itself is inert, thus no feeling, it felt like I had either burst the implant or separated it from the chest wall muscle that it (the implant) is affixed to. Even after 16 xrays, I am not convinced that I did not ruin an implant. To know that would require an ultrasound. The ER doc did not see/hear anything that would indicate a burst implant. Maybe the whooshing sound is saline leaking? Yikes, I just thought of that. Several years ago I fell off a horse. The helmet that was supposed to protect my head bumped onto my nose. I did not have any symptoms until a couple of days later, when my nose started running (not my nose itself) my nose was running constantly. When I got to the DR, it turns out my nose was broken, and the nose running? Cerebral fluid! So, Chatty, there's something to your humor! My brain cells ran through my nose. Well, I did not see "whooshing" as a side effect of percocette and/or skelaxin. Who nose, knows. We'll see what tomorrow brings. JJ, you must be one tough cookie. Did you really go through a windshield? That explains everything! L PL