Countrygirl, great post...I like your books!

I was thinking about Candice and her suggestion for a food list while I was food shopping this weekend.

Here are a few items that work:

Product 19 cereal
Special K bars
Nutri Grain bars

turkey, tuna, chicken breast, roast beef
salads with lite dressings, no croutons (croutons are carbs too)
Pepperidge Farm makes great lite breads. There is a big difference in sandwiches when you use a lite bread, also lite mayo.
If you must crunch, Lay's makes a great fat free chip called their Wow chip.
Another thing to crunch on is Quaker's Quakes rice snacks. They come in chocolate and bar-b-q.
Pickles are harmless too.
Apples are good because they aren't as sweet as other fruits.
Lite canned fruit is good too.

Lots of chicken and fresh veggies. I think one of the biggest things to remember is to cook with seasonings instead of butter and cream sauces. Spices make all the difference in the world!

Pizza is really bad because of the crust, so are fried foods.

Just like when dieting, portions make a big difference in controlling a diabetics blood sugar.

SO much to think about!

One thing that you need to remember too, that some don't think about is all the sugar in juices. Juices are not good for diabetics. Drinking a nice glass of orange juice in themorning can get the blood sugar going before you even think about it. You can waste a whole bunch of carbs in a glass of juice. There are some lite ones on the market that are good. Hope this helps.