Today I took my daughter for her diabetes check-up. Diet and exercise are the words for the day! [Mad]

Sorry, but I am pretty angry that she has this disease. I know God has a bigger plan, but I sure can't figure it out.

As many of you have read in here, my husband is a Type I, and daughter a Type II.

Daughter doesn't must control by diet and exercise, diet and exercise. You tell a teenager that when everywhere she turns there are snack machines, soda machines, parties and dances with Doritos, chips, M&M's, etc. I feel so sorry for her!

Today the doctor dropped the bomb that she will one day, more than likely, have to take insulin. I wasn't ready for that and neither was she. With tears in our eyes we sat there listening to the doctor explain that no matter how hard we work at this, there are times that the body just doesn't cooperate on the inside. How fair is that?

Thanks for listening. Any suggestions???