I would love to be able to walk around our town for exercise. Unfortunately, walking on uneven paved streets or country roads causes me to have some dreadful back and leg pain. I have trouble with sciatica, and have to wear a lift in my shoe to even up my spine. My right leg is shorter than my left, which has caused my spine to curve. At times it feels like I have a dagger sticking in my back and the pain is quite intense. I had the same sensation last night at work, and was afraid for a while that I wouldn't be able to complete my duties. I took about 8 ibuprofen over the 12 hour period...which is more than I should take, and that didn't even handle all of the pain, but it helped some. I find myself going from one doctor to another right now, between dentists, urologists, gastroenterologists, my primary care physician, and I really should see a neurologist for my back pain, while I have insurance to pay for the treatments I need. Unfortunately, I don't have enough sick leave or vacation pay built up yet to be able to take time off from work for any surgeries.
We do have a cardioglide machine, that is like a cross between a stationary bicycle and a rowing machine that I can use while watching tv. Perhaps in the morning I will try to do that.