We met at a basic computer hardware course..how to install motherboards, hard drives, etc. It never occurred to me that it would have been a place to meet a guy. I was more concerned about buying my lst computer and how to maintain it, add to it, etc.

I've said enough about him in this forum before. so better with a vignette that exemplifies him as my partner:

He doesn't enjoy dancing cause he's just like me..lousy.

But what makes up for this...he waits for me ..in the rain with his bike when I finish work. That was today...and it has happened several times in past few years. And I insist that he phone me in advance if he feels like not coming.

He comes...it's an excuse for exercise for him. laugh

What more can I ask..!
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)