I love reading your stories. I have one also. It has been published somewhere??? That was a few years ago. I can't remember.
I found the original, unedited version in my files.

Never in a million years

I found my Biological Dad after years of searching, and was in Alabama from Canada for eleven short days to meet and spend time with him and the family. My 'new' sisters took me out on the town on Saturday night to meet some friends and that's when I met Will. He struck up a conversation and invited me out to dinner. I said, “Oh No, I have a boyfriend at home and I couldn't do that, but thanks anyway.” I really wasn't interested. It wasn't love at first site for me.

The next time I ran into Will was a year later. I had lost my Mother, left a going nowhere relationship in Canada and moved to Alabama to be close to my ailing Dad. I had been divorced in the 70's and never married after. My relationship of 15 years in Canada went sour and it was time to move on. I was finished with relationships...period!

I kept running into Will several times a week. Although he worked in Tennessee, he came to Alabama quite often. I was working at my sister's restaurant/bar and we would sit and chat when I wasn't busy. We talk after work and he called me every day. Will was a kind, gentle, understanding soul. . He told me that when he first saw me (the year before when I was visiting for the 11 days), he thought that I was who he had been waiting for all his life. He told me he didn't date again after we met . I said,"really, but you knew I had a boyfriend.” He said, “I knew you were coming back...to see your Dad. And I would be waiting.” He said he was tempted to call me on occasion but decided against it. So he just waited...and waited.

In one of our conversations, Will said “I am unlike any man you've even known.” I laughed at this comment, partly because I hadn't heard it before and partly because I didn't believe it. I told him never in a million years would we be become anything more than friends. One night in particular, I rushed home from my Dad's to catch his call, talk to him and go back to my Dad's for coffee and our nightly chat. Walking back up the street I wondered...was I falling in love with Will? I chuckled to myself...I think I am.

When I was a little girl I wondered where I would be in the year 2000 which was soooo far away for an eight year old. On New Year's Eve we were driving home from a party when Will pulled over exactly at midnight and planted a big kiss on my lips. I was so happy to be right where I wanted to and who I wanted to be with be in the year 2000.

Will and I became lovingly involved six months into our friendship. He asked me to marry him three years later. That was a few years ago. We are still engaged and plan to marry one of these days when we can get all our children in one place. Will and I never say an unkind word to each other. We tell each other how lucky we are to have found each other. We have the deepest respect, love, and understanding for each other. Our age difference is four years apart with him being the oldest. Today we say we are in the top 10% of the happiest people on earth. I'd agree with Will who says more than likely the top 1%. He truly is unlike any man I have ever known.

I wasn't searching for a soul mate, when I found Will. I was finished with relationships. I was content that there was no one for me in this lifetime. I accepted the fact that I was going to be alone and was comfortable with it.

Did I ever think I would find my “Will” in this lifetime? Never in a million years...
~ Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't ~
~ Prayer is the most we can do for another human being ~