Oh goodness, LadyJane...what an amazing story! I am so glad you shared it with me! Gil and I have just been on another episode of "Trust or Not"...and it seems that is the gift we are bringing each other for this marriage. This is one where we get to heal many of the past hurts and, honestly, create some new ones that we get to heal with our new tools. Trust and forgiveness (or lack thereof!) seem to be a common theme in our relationship. And through it all, I have wanted it to work between us, although he told me just this past Friday he thought I wanted to leave. I was stunned!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally and utterly stunned! So, on we go with our learnings and tryings and laughings and smilings.

If anyone wants to see some of the shindig we had, there are photos here:


I haven't taken the time to figure out the process here, so I hope you'll forgive the link to somewhere else!!!!!!!!!!
Love and light, hugs and blessings

MamaRed (Jerilynne)
Coming Summer 2009 "Kick-Butt Kindness: 52 No Cost Ways to Ripple Kindness 'Round the World"

Let's create Kick-Butt-and-Take-Names Lives!