Okay, I'll go next. About 33 years ago, when I was just a tot (17, actually) I moved to a little tiny mountain town. I didn't know a soul, but apparently it was slim pickins for cute girls because I had lots of attention from the guys. I wasn't used to this, coming from a high school that had a larger population than this entire little town.

I learned where the kids hung out; a little arcade in town, and at the elementary school after hours. I first saw my hubby playing basketball with the guys. When my best friend came to visit the following weekend, we drove over to the school and watched again. When they finished their game and left, Heidi and I followed him home to see where he lived! We still get teased about this...

Our first date was horseback riding with some stable horses. Our second date was riding the ski lift to the top of the hill and back down; it was summer, so it was a great day and wonderful view....when we weren't kissing! Oh well, we moved in together a year later, then got married seven years after that. Been together ever since!
