This all reads "Relief" to me. Both our boys left Stuff, & I do mean stuff. There are assortments in both of their walk-in closets from Hot wheels etc to College text books, yearbooks, sand from the East and West coast beaches, karate gear, rodeo gear, bat bags, basketballs, disfunctional electrical items son #1 swears he needs, stuffed animals that hold sentimental value,,,,,gee I don't dare peek anymore. Guilty, stuff I brought home after the passing of my Mom got wedged in there too. I do swear to have each of these MEN come home at some point specifically to take a day and Clean out their respective closets. with a Take it or toss it rule enforce. As far as a vacant room, once the boys were out, I realized w/ a hid-a-bed in the den, sleeping quarters at the shop & 2 now spare bedrooms..I laid claim to our guest room as MY hide-out/office/gym. & Love it.
Q~Ball aka Q~Ball101