Oh gosh, so romantic.. love at first sight!! It wasn't that way with Greg and I. We actually met at work. He was a computer programmer and I was a technical writer. I had come to work there and was a hired as a manager to run the new tech writing department so I implemented some very necessary changes in procedures that the programmers didn't like, especially Greg. He was very resistant to working with me and so we didn't like each other very much.

A lot of the staff ate lunch together in the conference room, and I joined them one day. Greg was there, and I joined in on the conversations. Heated debates ensued on various topics it didn't matter what it was about. We all loved to argue various points, it never got ugly, just fun.

The staff also went out after work on occasion, and asked me to join then one time. Greg went too.. and we got to know each other socially. The ice started to melt. We started talking about other things besides work and learned more about each other. We continued to meet with the others and got to see each other and learn more about each other and actually realized we liked each other! So, we tried it on our own. He had a motorcycle and asked me if I wanted a ride. Of course I did!!

The ride did it. I was hooked. There's nothing like hanging on the back of a man going at top speeds with the wind blowing around you with your life in the hands of the man at the helm to realize you trust him.

It didn't matter he was 6 years younger than me. Or that he was just newly divorced. We started seeing each other. Kept it a secret from the others at work. We even went to a Christmas party for work and kept it a secret. But, I went to his house that night, and it was our first kiss. 3 months after we started dating. How's that for romantic!

6 months later we move in together. 6 months after that he gives me a ring. And a year later we're married.

You have to hear the story of how he gave me the ring. It was Christmas time. He wanted me to open one of my presents early, so he gives me this medium to big box. Pretty heavy. I open it and it has rocks in it, and a piece of paper at the bottom. It's a riddle that starts a scavenger hunt. I follow the riddle to the next stop and the next and the next which has me going all around the apartment to places like finding the "stairway to heaven" which is a CD, and then something in the refrigerator, and all sorts of places, finally there is a note that says "find the little blue church". Now, I remember the little blue church because I decorated the Christmas tree and it was an ornament. So, I go to the tree and taped to the bottom is a note. It says "turn around."...

I do.

And, there is Greg on his knees holding a ring box, with the most gorgeous ring I'd ever seen ... I started to cry and he said, " we may never get married, but I wanted you to have a ring to always know how much I love you."

(this is because we had said we probably wouldn't ever get married)

He really is romantic!

And, we did get married a year and a month later. And, we've been married now for 10 and 1/2 years.

What a guy!
"What you believe yourself to be, you are."
Claude M. Bristol
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