The baby needs clothes... size 12 months.. that's for sure. She's going to be 7 months old soon. And, my daughter can't afford to buy her any new clothes.

My daughter and SIL don't need anything. I've handed down all my clothes to my daughter that are too big and don't fit me anymore. (One thing my daughter does need is underwear. She's wearing her nursing bras still because she doesn't fit back into her old bras yet. and they're worn out. I've meant to take her shopping but I just can't ... hubby took away all my credit cards cuz I spent too much on them already.)

My SIL, I don't know. He seems okay in that department. Not in the bra dept, just in clothes in general. He doesn't need anything. Just to not be so depressed. The doctors put him on Xanax.

As for anything else, they're on food stamps, so they have food. They need their bills paid, but my ex has sent them some money so that will take care of this month. That should help them get through until Access kicks in. It'll arrive probably by Monday. He sent it to me, so I'll have to cash the Money Order and give the kids the money.

I'm buying them formula and diapers and drop ins (liners for the baby bottles) because that's what they seem to run out of most of all.

Chickadee.. thanks.. I didn't think of the S.A. I'll call them and see what they can do.
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