Well, Devon is off, but it is a rocky start. Since she is there 10 days early because of her job (student athletic trainer) there aren't that many kids there with her. She is the only student in her dorm on the first floor. Her training for the trainer position is rigorous. They start at 7:15 a.m. and end around 11:30 pm. To date she has taped 35 ankles. Of course there are breaks, but it is a long day in a strange place. So with all things combined, there have been lots of tears. She will be busy all weekend, so I can't go and see her. I am just the "ear" and cheerleader right now. I have had my own share of tears here at home, and it is difficult to hear her having a hard time. Needless to say, it has been a crappy couple of days.

I knew that I would have my own pangs without her being at home daily, but I didn't expect her reaction. When my son left he only got homesick about 3 weeks in and it passed quickly. Sometimes it is so hard to be a mom.
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