Originally Posted By: gims

Anyone have insurance? Anyone buy into the stock market? Talk about gambling!!!

Sadly, some we MUST partake in due to "laws of the land". Car/house/business etc. Some we can choose to not partake in.

I'm w/Dotsie. Our lives have already been planned out...by God's design. He "knew" us before we were born. He even "numbers the hairs on our head". I love the fact that someone has my life in His hands..because I cannot do it on my own. Granted, He gave us a "free will" and we choose to go against His will oftentimes. But when we KNOW it's Him directing, and we listen, we are blessed!

For instance, I fought and fought Him about doing my childless website. "Not qualified", I told Him. Who am I..I know nothing about being a webmaster, moderator, etc. He said (Yes, He spoke to me).."Your life qualified you". Period the end.

Some would call it a gamble, I all it obedient. He continues to bless that board for nearly 7 years now. I don't have answers, but I know He is in control of it all.

Originally Posted By: gims
Why do we let "religion" (basically, dictates from clergical authority) determine what is right and wrong for us.

You're right. I neither let "religion" nor "clergy" dictate right/wrong. I let my bible dictate that. Granted, even clergy can misinterpret and I have seen/heard MANY do that! This is why I visited 23 churches before I found the right one for me. The bible tells us to "test the spirit" and I do! When I read a passage, I ask the Lord to speak to ME and what He wants ME to learn from it. It's very clear...ie" "Do not kill". there is no question in that one!

Anyway......so I don't believe in "luck" or gambling. Life may be a "gamble", but that is really a cliche. We may feel as if it were, but it's is all dependent on your faith.