Here's the etymology of the word luck:
15c. from M.Du. luc, shortening of gheluc "happiness, good fortune," of unknown origin. Related to M.H.G. g(e)lücke, Ger. Glück "fortune, good luck." Perhaps first borrowed in Eng. as a gambling term. Lucky break dates from 1938. To luck out "succeed through luck" is Amer.Eng. colloquial, first attested 1954.

AND here's the etymology for the word gamble:
1726 (implied in gambling), from a dialectal survival of M.E. gammlen, variant of gamenen "to play, jest, be merry," from O.E. gamenian "to play," from gamen (see game). Or possibly gamble is from a derivative of gamel "to play games" (1594), itself likely frequenting from game. Originally regarded as a slang word. The intrusive -b- may be from confusion with gambol.

Interesting, huh?

I answer you inquiry with a question: Why do we let "religion" (basically, dictates from clergical authority) determine what is right and wrong for us. No where in the Bible does it say we shouldn't gamble - that word did not exist. No where in the scriptures is it declared that gambling (or betting, or playing the lottery) is a sin. Only thing I can think near its equivalent would be casting lots... so: How about the story of Jonah, Jonah 1:7? How about when they chose the 12th disciple, Acts 1:15-26?

Anyone have insurance? Anyone buy into the stock market? Talk about gambling!!!

We live daily by chance/luck. Each of our lives is networked/meshed with the next. What (the figurative) you chooses to do can/will effect me, and vice versa. Even if (the figurative) you decide to do something differently on the spur, it can subsequently have a different impact on my choice and/or outcome, as will every other person's in direct (or indirect, as in regards to local, national and worldly affairs) contact in my life. Each of us makes ripples, ones that effect outcomes, change intentions, vary operations, etc., of each other. It is, in effect, a luck/chance life, all depending on the actions of others AND Mother Nature. As for God, s/he does not micro manage our lives (THANK GOODNESS). There would be no reason to be here, if that were the case.

I think most of you know I am the daughter of two pastors, my mom and my dad. Mother was a VERY strong religious figure in my life... most of what I believed for so long coming from her teaching/preaching. That is not to say my dad had nothing to do with my religious upbringing. He was just more passive and a bit more human. Nonetheless, refusing my "religious" background has been a hard action to take. It's like cutting my mom and dad out of my life, in a way... but, something that was necessary for me to do to get well.

We get so caught up in the legalistic dictates of religion. I honestly believe that is what made me sick. I feel freer now than I've ever felt in my life, but some of the "rules" still haunt me. At those times, I regress into a psychic sick. I hope to win this battle some day. I'm just so sorry it has ruled my life for so long.
I implore each of you to examine every 'rule' you are being given to live by, even those given by yourself. Ask God directly what s/he thinks. It is ultimately between the two of you.
(my opinions)