This is an interesting post for me because I have mixed emotions about my kids flying the coop. As long as they're doing well and I can correspond with them often, and see them often, I'm totally cool with it. We raised them to be independent and so now they are. WAH! And this is coming from a woman who was a stay at home mom and revelled in it. I totally embraced the whole being a mom thing, as my husband embraced being a dad -active and always around and supportive.

Now, I'm pretty much watching from a distance and totally enjoying that too.

Since both of you are totally new to the site and may not know this, our oldest son graduated from college last year, lived home for a year to save money, and just settled on a house a week or so ago. He moved everything out of his room last weekend- everything. Now we have an empty room and instead of going in there and crying, I go in and feel so happy for him. Odd, isn't it? But this is because he is living in the city, only a couple blocks from my husband's office so I know we'll see him often. In fact, he's invited us to a party at his home this weekend and I'm tickled. We'll go and hango ut a bit, but then leave and let him and his freinds carry on.

Our youngest just graduated college and moved to the Big Apple the weekend before and he just turned 20 this week. He's a camera man at the UN building. Do I miss him? You bet I do. Does walking in hs room make me a bit sad - yes, but I'm happy for him because he's where he wants to be.

Our daughter leaves for college in a couple weeks. Fortunately, she's not far away either so I get to see her fairly often. Thank God.

So after having all three here for maybe a month this summer, they will all be gone in a couple weeks.

I'm so grateful for email, text messaging, cell phones (we're all on the same plan), etc. It makes the distance so much shorter. Don't you think? I'm also thankful for my husband and my relationship, my extended family, friends, and my work becasue this is what I need to focus on now that the kids are gone.

Fab, how old are your kids? How long before the empty nest? I recommend preparing now. I recall thinking about it and fretting, honestly fretting becasue I would be without my passion and my job. But then I launched BWS and NABBW and have a passion outside of my family - which I think they also appreciate because I'm sure I could have been an overbearing mom from a distance. Perhaps I still am at times - ha!

bella, how many children do you have? I admire you for having a big family. I think big families rock. Sometimes I wish we had another one, but it's too late now. Good for you for having so many outside interests. It's got to help keep you sane.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.