Well, she's actually almost 12. She's been such a healthy dog forever. Last week, when in for grooming, they updated her shots. For some reason they also did a little exam, which we hadn't approved. They called to say she had a heart murmur. On a scale of 1-6, it was a 3. They wanted to do a panel of tests that would cost $400.00. I said no thanks. We ahve another vet we take her to and I wnated him to check her out.

I took her yesterday. He listened and said it was a 1 on a scale of 1-6 and that he didn't need to do anything about it. How about that? He chareged us for a little check-up and we never had to spend that $400.00.

I share this so you get second opinions for your pets. We do it for ourselves, but we should also do it for them.

She did however, have to have a tumor removed from her leg. Poor thing. She's moving in s l o w motion with a little bandage on her leg. She can't be let out in the yard to run. We have to keep her on a leash while outside for ten days. She's going to feel like a trapped rat. No long walks either. I'm hoping she won't feel up to it, but I have a feeling that later today she's going to have her normal energy back and be raring to go. Time will tell.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.