Lani, you've worked hard to get where you are ...and it takes effort to still maintain that terrific shape. What people forget when they I look at me, is that is a result of happy cycling for last 16 yrs. It wasn't just magical genes.

I have a sister who lost 50 lbs. when she was 34 yrs. old...and she is a family doctor. So really, she knew she had to take her own medicine! She was also diagnosed for diabetes 2 (she self-tested herself twice because she was surprised by the result...) , so that truly motivated her to change her diet and lifestyle completely.

Best wishes. (No I don't need to take your e-zine/offer I'm under 100 lbs. at 5'1". But am happy to have found a sport for long run in life. I belong to a women's cycling forum on the internet, which does feed my motivation my partner is a long-time cyclist.)

It maybe of value to help clients who leave you when they reach their goals, to recommend worthy women-centred Internet discussion groups for certain sports that each of your clients love to do. It does help enormously to learn continously about something one loves to do and to share "inside" camaderie of a shared loved sport/fitness.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)