a few things have happened in the past couple of days. A firefighter friend of Nancy's heard of her problems and stopped by to tell her that a police report had been filed awhile back in which this woman was suspected of trying to poison a dog in the neighborhood with a rice cake. The dog had been trained to take food only from its owner and the woman was found hiding in the ally behind a bush at night. Okay...that really sounds weird but Nancy has the name of the guy (a neighbor) who lodged the complaint. The fireman also has a friend who can hook her up with security cameras.

A guy from the city came by today to mark the water line. She also received approval for her fence by the city and her property line is correct. The city rep said if this lady tries to remove any kind of fence again that she can brought up on charges.

As for Nancy moving...she's talked about that...at the moment she's trying to do what she can to make space between her and the lunatic next door. The reason the woman doesn't want a fence is it won't give her enough room to move her boat...she doesn't want to have to bring it in and out from the back by the ally...so she expects nancy to accomodate her instead of respecting that nancy has a right to a fence on her property. Can you spell S E L F I S H
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards