Vi, that is a very interesting question. I assume you are talking about compassionate behavior, as I believe compassion is an emotion we feel. I can see something on tv and cry over people or animals I don't know - 9/11 is a good example and also watching Animal Planet.

I have been the recipient of compassion and one experience was when I was rejected by someone I loved very much. One of my friends was visiting me and I broke down and cried. My friend held me in her arms and I sobbed and sobbed for a long time. To me that was compassion, just being with someone who is hurting. That friend is very different than me, but she is like a sister. She can be judgemental and is very straight-laced, where I am more accepting of situations and people who do not necessarily fit the Christian mold. I do realize she is a very unique woman who I can count on to be honest and capable of caring very deeply.

I think showing compassion is acting on what you feel. When someone tells me about a serious problem, such as abuse from a SO, then I've been known to invite them into my home, just to give them a leg up. I believe God puts people into our lives who need help, then He helps us help them. I do not allow people to use me either, I am not a pushover.

I'm sure you will get many other stories from our boomer sisters since I've noticed many compassionate hearts in the forum.
