Competitiveness it is, between these sisters and thier mother, as you mentioned, is behind this.
I have gotten to know this family as they have pulled
me in, "get in with the choreographer," is the game.
I see three sisters who play off eachother and their mother.
Each is gifted in an area but the one I am dealing with has bnot shown any success after graduating highschool. The one younger than her has made her parents glow by going to BYU, their dream for her.
The youngest has an opera voice that is being well trained, is beautiful and tall. She is also the baby of the family so she is well attended to. She has had many community theater parts as I understand.
The mother has an immaculate home and has gone back to school,
so this sister is "average," and drops out of college to work for "bebe," where the clothes are obscene and get's thinner and thinner in competition with her sisters and co-workers.
She is doomed in this production because she does NOT stand out and will be just a "player," because of it. I would like to help her to improve but she has one trait:
that will stop her from listening.

She came to work with a tiny belly of food. I let her work.
I just have to keep watching.

By the way, her family cooks one hell of a salmon dish.


( I'm in Seattle, did I tell you that?)

"Question your privilege"