Hi Meredith.
I think you are correct about the life style choice. There are three sisters, all the same.
Although she has eaten, I can see myself baby sitting this woman who is paid, for rehearsal as well, making sure she is eating.
I have decided to give myself a "three strike," deal with her and if I have to deal with her three times, she loses the role. I have an under study for her that I called yesterday and told to move into an understudy for that particular role. The understudy is thrilled, now she is in a paying gig. I'd rather use the understudy now. My original cast member has a very good voice and that's needed for theater but she does not have the lead. Her song can be done in a "theater voice," which is part talking so the pro in my is all over this problem.

I am not heartless though. I fear for this girl. I am speaking to "brain washed," types here with her and her Mom though so I can't make a dent. I wish I knew more about the Mormon religion. I have taught Mormon children to dance, ( It's big with them for some reason,) and have met up with them in a big fashion shoot I managed too. There was the same perfection personality to the point that until one of the models saw her shots that I designed and realized she "had never looked better," she had a problem trusting me as a professional with a big resume'! This woman wanted all the photos for her book and is now my fan, but it was irritating, to say the least, to hear her say, on location, "are you sure I should be this way?" (for a shot...)

Bangers, head bangers.

Thanks Meredith, my brilliant friend,

"Question your privilege"