TOO funny Chick and if that doesn't make Dennis laugh, nothing will...

Oh and Anno give him a very BIG juicy kiss from Queen JJ who vacations in Alaska as I write this. She was the lady who told me about your darling Dennis and your troubles. I somehow had missed the post when you were explaining about him. I got an PM from her about sending greeting cards that sparked my interest, called her and she filled me in. Thus my idea to make and mail him his very own lapghan, filled with stitches of LOVE!

So today besides those adorable lips above from Chick, here are four more from royalty no less, first from Queen JJ, then a sloppy boxer smooch-a-roo from Princess Trixie, and of course my two little spoiled rotten, think they are royalty, yorkies. Yes Reeta and Rosee are both excited to join in with their generous face licking kissies...

Hummm, maybe I should have sent your darling Dennis a fluffy, absorbent towel with all the wet kisses he'll be getting???? Sheesh!!!
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