& Edelweiss, put that bed & pillows inside 4 walls w/ a door & I then, wouldn't have a problem. LOL I think I got camp~itus while in scouts. First our leaders camped us beside a cemertery and an old church, 2nd it stormed & we got moved into the church. 3rd church was so old and abandon it was full of crawley creatures, IE Spiders, one lone snake, as assortment of bugs and mice. I wanted back outside with the storm! I'm now a total day camper, once it's bedtime, I'm headed to a clean fumigated home, condo or motel. LOL Would love to have had your experience with the chipmucks, they are so cute. Then again, maybe not quite to the extent you had..not sure I'd want to share a bag with one? lol last time I was in a sleeping bag was when the power went out and it was for warmth only.
Q~Ball aka Q~Ball101