Di, I just read all the thread of your recent loss and travails - so sorry for all your pain. You have a true gift of the written word, and in some way that is a blessing, will help a great deal. It is good to come here and write out our feelings, and to have the knowledge and input of others, and to know "you are not alone" when you deal with losses. I wished this place was here after my Mom passed, I spent a year "in lost time" too proud to go to counselling and mired up totally. This site would have been a true blessing to me then. Sorry to get the thread on a different aspect, and my sympathies and prayers to you. I hope you don't think I was being disrespectful taking a different turn with the thread, I just didn't read the previous posts. I am that slammed by this anniversary of my Dad's passing and Mom's friend's passing. This past weekend we went to the cemetary to lay flowers at all the family graves, I guess that is why I am so raw right now. We only get there about twice a year, best we can do since we live so far away. Feeling rather washed and bleak. Trying to keep a good thought. Blessings to you, and peace in your heart.