My dad was going to a Navy ship reunion, The USS New Orleans, one time. He was taking the Amtrack to go. We were visiting Mom at the time. Watching the news that night, we saw where the train he was suppose to be ON, had derailed and crashed. Very many people were dead, lots were in critical condition. We just sat there staring at the TV. No one could move. Then, we had the presence of mind to call other ship mates wives and see if they knew anything about Dad or if he had arrived. Not long after the calls were made and with no new knowledge of his safety, Dad called to say he had been delayed and would be taking the next train out. He said it was the strangest thing, but this man he met at the station kept talking to him and he couldn't be rude and leave him, the man being so old, and so he missed that train but would be on the next one. He had no idea what had happened and was shaken to the core when we told him. God does watch over us all...