Mountain Ash,
YES, I would connect the Elation of tossing in part to the fluid being gone. It was the most miserable time in my life. I actually could feel my feet 'slosh' when I walked (which wasn't too far). Looked a good 18 months pregnant with a litter! LOL Before my sugery while still awake I noticed all the doctors/nurses etc had on waders, in my frame of mind going under I was thinking OMG I'm being operated on by chicken plant workers! We have Tyson's locally and all their plant ppl walking into work have on thse same knee high water boots. LOL
AFter wards when my Dr inquired how far into my surgery I could recall I mentioned, "y'all had on chicken boots" etc...Bless him he was so confused. Leading to fliud, when they sliced into me 38 pounds of fluid gushed out of my abdomen alone. So dang Tootin' I'm elated at being 105 pounds lighter than my sick me. LOL
Q~Ball aka Q~Ball101